Monday, 31 October 2016

Being Vegan Sucks

Yes, you heard me right, (or read me right?). I hate being a 'vegan'.

So why don't I go eat a bacon sandwich, you ask? Well, here's the thing.

I DON'T WANT TO EAT ANIMAL PRODUCTS. That's it really. I choose to not eat meat or dairy. It makes me feel healthier. And I love animals.

I wrote my dissertation on 'veganism', promoted the lifestyle and justified it using all the evidential support I could gather. I watched the documentaries, read the books, scoured the internet for facts. I learned the horrific truth, and now there's no way I can ignore it.

I don't preach. I don't care if you love steak, that's your prerogative, as this is mine. But I am so sick of being chastised because of the way I choose to eat. I don't judge your dietary habits, so why are you judging mine?

People ask questions; they're curious, naturally. What do vegans eat - they ask. Well, the answer to that is everything, bar flesh and dairy products. It really isn't that hard, otherwise we wouldn't do it.

I like the vegan community - some of them are militant which drives people away - but most of them are kind and caring souls, similar to myself. I choose to eat this way for compassion, for both animal and humankind.

The contradictions I see every day in meat-eaters enrage me. They despise animal cruelty, but don't think about it when buying cosmetics. They sign petitions to stop the Yulin dog-meat festival, yet sit there eating a ham sandwich whilst doing so. Where's the line? Why choose to care about some animals and not others? That's just my stance on it. But I don't call them out. I keep my mouth shut - I lock my opinions away, because it's the polite and correct thing to do. I'll answer truthfully - if I am asked. Otherwise, I stand by the phrase 'live and let live'. So why can't the rest of you let me live?

I'm sick of being painted with a vegan brush, labelled and almost excluded from this 'normality' that is meat-eating. So much so that I almost want to rebuke the label of 'vegan'. How sad is that?

If I simply said I had a lactose intolerance and an allergy to meat, no one would care. I would seldom be plagued with questions because it would be deemed intrusive and rude. I might be pitied for not being able to eat bacon, but I certainly wouldn't be asked question after question about my diet. So why is it that when the word 'vegan' comes into the equation, people think they're entitled to start plaguing me?

Please stop asking me ridiculous questions. I don't miss bacon, or any meat for that matter. I like vegetables, I eat plenty of protein, and no, I am not malnourished. I'm drinking a cappuccino, about to eat a packet of crisps. Surprisingly, crisps, which are made from potatoes can be vegan too. It's almost like it's a vegetable or something.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Running Away from Cancer

I have reached a dead end. Late nights, early mornings, too much coffee, not enough sleep. My light is faltering. I'm neglecting myself, pushing my mind to the limit, to distract myself from the reality.

My Dad has cancer. He's very unwell, and my life is changing in a way that I am struggling to comprehend. My Mum has only just recovered from cancer herself, and I really struggled during that time.

My health and fitness has declined, along with my mental health. It's time for me to slowly take back the reins of my own life, and empower myself.

Me being me, I like to challenge myself in the most ridiculous ways possible. So... I have decided to run the London marathon.

With the inspiration from my parents illness, and the urge to better myself, I feel that this challenge will push my every limit, and give me the answers that I need. At present, I'm looking for answers in places that will never give me any. I'm abusing myself with excess.

Time to heal.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Discovering Yoga

Namaste everyone.

Things have been pretty hectic lately - I've just moved to a new place in London, and I'm beginning a new full time job at the end of the month, which means I can start saving for travelling!!

All this has left me stressed and feeling very unlike my usual self. I suffer with depression and to be honest, it's been getting to me. I forget that it's literally an imbalance in my head, not just me being moody. It's difficult, and I get really hard on myself. So I search for a solution, and I found yoga.

I've tried yoga before of course, and it's beautiful. But I never practice regularly.

It was beautifully sunny outside, probably the last real day of summer, and I still felt strange. Armed with 4 yoga magazines, I stepped outside, completely naked, and did something I never really do. Sat down on the grass and closed my eyes. I listened to all the noise around me, the cars, birds, the occasional plane. I felt the grass between my fingers (and bum cheeks). I was so present in this moment, and it felt amazing.

Slowly, I began to hold some yoga poses from the magazines I had placed in front of me. They were moderately challenging; I could hold most of them, but not for too long. This yoga session felt different though. It wasn't just exercise or stretching, but a real spiritual experience ,that somehow calmed me thoroughly. I felt peaceful.

Since that yoga session a few days ago, my chakras feel more realigned. I feel that I am behaving better in myself and managing my own though cycles better. All thanks to yoga.

I will definitely be doing it more. The joy and peace I get is second to only meditation. If only the rest of the world could slow down a little more, maybe we'd all feel more peace.


Monday, 29 August 2016


Vegan Life magazine is one of my absolute favourite mags, and I was privileged enough to do an internship there a few weeks back. Anyway as you can see, they have published one of my articles that I wrote for them!

It's my first piece of published work, and I am so pleased with how it's turned out. I love the team at Vegan Life - they're all so kind, and my experience with them was nothing but amazing.

Dreams can come true guys!!!

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Nature’s Secrets to Looking Young

Want to discover the fountain of youth without spending money on surgery or expensive moisturisers? Look and feel better with these age-defying health tips.

Beauty comes from within. Eating the right foods can make all the difference when it comes to winning the fight against aging. This means eating a diet rich in variety: green leafy vegetables, nuts, plenty of fruit and complex carbohydrates. The vitamin C in fruit and veg is a great antioxidant for skin, while the fatty acids in nuts and avocados replenish collagen. Eating right boosts your immune system, resulting in glossy hair, strong nails, and less wrinkles. Taking vitamin supplements can be beneficial for those who struggle to get all the nutrients that the body requires through food alone.

Drinking water is tantamount to having healthy skin. Not only will it give you more energy, flush out toxins and reduce fatigue, it also replenishes skin cells, keeping them hydrated. The body is around 60% water, and serves a number of vital functions. These include lubricating joints, flushing waste, repairing cells, and regulating body temperature.

Exercise promotes blood flow, resulting in better circulation and glowing skin. Along with the amazing benefits like weight loss and overall improved health, working out helps you sleep better, improves moods, and helps keep you looking your best.

Getting 7 – 8 hours’ sleep a night helps your cells to repair. Lack of sleep not only makes us physically tired, but it also affects our skin, resulting in dark circles and puffiness, paleness and bloodshot eyes. Lack of sleep causes your skins PH levels to drop, creating redness, a lack of moisture, and even triggers acne breakouts.

Eliminate or cut down on bad habits such as smoking and drinking. Enjoying a few glasses of wine at the weekend is fine – but excessive regular drinking could lead to skin problems such as rosacea, bags, burst capillaries and acne. Smoking is arguably one of the worst habits, depriving the cells of oxygen and inducing premature aging. It narrows the blood vessels, reducing blood supply and depleting your skin’s elasticity, contributing to loss of collagen.

Cut out (processed) sugar. You’ve probably heard this before, but sugar is the cocaine of the food industry. Not only is it addictive and can lead to weight gain, it also causes your insulin levels to spike. Sugar causes inflammation, which produces enzymes that break down collagen and elastin; two essentials your skin needs to avoid wrinkles. This inflammation also increases the effects of acne and rosacea. Try consuming natural sugars such as fruit, and if you do crave chocolate, reach for the dark stuff. Not only does it lower risk of heart disease, it also contains antioxidants.

Quitting dairy is beneficial for your body and skin. Approximately 75% of people are lactose intolerant (*8). The cow’s milk that we drink contains a lot of hormones, both artificial as well as naturally occurring from the pregnant cow it was milked from. These hormones can aggravate acne, as the skin’s glands produce more oil.

Unfortunately there is no remedy to turning back the clock, but with a healthy lifestyle and a positive outlook, anyone can look and feel younger, regardless of age.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

No, I am not just a 'vegan'

Labels. They're for clothes, not humans.

I don't reject the label 'vegan', because I love what it stands for. But similarly I don't like being defined as simply that. It creates an image of who I am without any other knowledge of me.

Being a vegan is difficult. I don't just mean it's hard finding vegan food at a restaurant or whatever, in fact that's pretty easy now I'm used to it. What's difficult is hearing people in your life tell you that they think veganism is stupid, or have them question you, often in a derogatory way, asking what you eat, asking if you miss bacon etc. I'm often the subject of jokes, all meant lightheartedly I think, but nonetheless, not something I want.

Vegans are often put into a generic category: hippies who like to moan at meat eaters. This is not true. I cook my omnivore friends bacon. I even touch it with my vegan fingers. I ate meat before, but I wont eat it again. That doesn't mean I think everyone should become a vegan.

I am a vegan because I want to be. It's best for my personal health, because I have extensively researched it and ensured that I am eating the right nutrients etc. I choose to be vegan because I love animals and I don't want to eat them. Now tell me why I deserve to be interrogated for my personal choices when they don't affect anyone else?

I get it. There are the silly vegans who moan about everything and live in a bubble. That's not the majority. There's good and bad everybody, some are more upfront and passionate. Some are also too preachy which I don't agree with. I am just a normal person (well, the normal bit is debatable) who eats a lot of great food and tries to not hurt people or animals. I don't ever preach or moan to others about their eating habits. So why are they doing it to me?

Please, next time you take the piss out of vegans, or ask a vegan where they get their protein, remember that vegans are just people who eat a vegan diet. Not another breed of human. If you don't want a 'vegan' to discuss your eating habits or ask you why you eat meat, then please mind your own business and don't ask me if I miss steak. (I don't, ftr).

The philosophical vegan...

My heart was thumping. Each heartbeat echoed in my ears. My chest had gotten so tight, each breath I drew inward seemed to get trapped in my throat. I could see my heart almost beating out of my chest, and nothing could calm it. 
I didn't know at the time, but I was having a mild panic attack. 

I'm recovering from depression. A long, deep depression, which started many years ago. It flares up occasionally, but this time it stayed. I turned to pills, despite loathing the dependence. But now I'm getting better, with only laughter as my medicine.

I knew it would be a difficult journey, with troubles along the way. A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor, as they say.

But no matter how long you stay in the light, the darkness always comes. 

I had just finished work. The sun was fierce in the late sky.
My phone rang. 
My Mum was crying.
My Dad was very, very ill. 

But pain has many faces.
The tears soon came. Violently. Harshly.
My heart felt like it was about to implode inside me.

You can't pray for the pain to disappear, but you can pray for the strength to get through it.

I guess I always knew a day like this would come, and though I'd never be prepared, surely this was the worst timing? I'd just come off medication for depression - surely I can't handle this?

Everything happens for a reason. 

Everything is temporary; pain, life, time. Holding on to anything too tight only hurts more once it's gone.

Wasting time hating the universe for dealing me this hand in life will not make it any better. The only thing I can do is move forward, accept the past and focus on the now. It's the only way to stay happy. I need to be strong for my family and myself, and I believe I can do this by remaining as balanced as possible and focusing on positivity.

We control our own happiness.

Have a positive day! Namaste xoxo 

Thursday, 14 July 2016

London life = the best life

The air tastes sweeter in my favourite places. Summer tastes like the dewdrops on grass in my garden, but London still somehow tastes free. Despite the grey, the pollution, the swirls of graffiti like tattoos across the buildings, London sets me free.

Pangs of excitement surge through me as I weave through Waterloo station, sipping my soy cappuccino through a satisfied smile. I have been here before. I have walked through London many times. Stations, landmarks, tourist areas, all the way through the multi-coloured flags of Soho, past the golds and reds in Chinatown, bumping into tourists as I meander along the river. 

The familiar Starbucks on every corner, like a beacon of energy reminding me to prolong sleep as long as possible - London is awake, and I should be too. 

A weather proof city that looks as beautiful in autumnal sunsets as it does during the vicious December wind. Even the naked trees with their clawed branches greet me. 

I read 'if you're tired of London, you're tired of life'. 

Maybe the answer to being tired isn't always sleep. Instead of closing your eyes, try opening them a bit more, let them really see what's in front of you. I think that's the reason why I love London so much. You can't not see it. 

This multicoloured, multicultural, beautifully hideous city feels like home, because it will accommodate you, whoever you are. Maybe that's why we all love it so much. 

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

The curse of technology... and the juice that fixes it!

Happy July everyone!

Things have been manic and stressful for me in the past few weeks.

Firstly my laptop was broken so I sent it off to get repaired, which made a significant dent in my already struggling bank account. But what choice do I have? I need the laptop to write; it's my tool.

Then my Dad became ill, got rushed to hospital etc. He's a little better now but it's still worrying.

I've been neglecting my health and not working out as much as I normally do, which has resulted in me feeling quite stuck!

So what now? Well, I decided that a nice cleanse/detox would be best for me. I'm not talking about only drinking lemonade for three days or anything silly. I mean eating only raw vegan for three days (no bread or processed foods), eliminating coffee and alcohol, and drinking lots of green tea! I think it will really help my body to heal from all the stress.

So, day 1. I've had a lemon and ginger tea, and a juice with kale, banana, coconut water, goji berries, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, some omega seeds and a little bit of agave nectar. Delicious and bursting with nutrients.

I'm sitting down and sorting out the thousands of things that I need to do today, here's hoping I get it all finished!!

More exciting blog posts to come soon... watch this space...


Monday, 20 June 2016

I got my final university grades back...

Just a quick post to highlight that I got my results back from university today... and I'm very pleased! We get our final classifications next week, but I'm pretty confident that I'm graduating with a high 2:1, which is fantastic.

I had some really tough times during the past three years, and became a very different person throughout. It's all been for the best though. I've come out stronger, wiser and most of all, happier. I battled depression for most of my academic life, and I'm pleased to say goodbye to both classrooms and academia respectively, as I progress into the big wide world. 

Ok, I can't wrap this all up without some kind of cheesy speech. So here goes - 

I am so proud of everyone who has got their results today, including all my classmates, the people I met along the way, and myself. I worked hard, and I got the grades I deserved. I had a wonderful experience at UEL, and am eternally grateful to everyone who was a part of this brilliant journey.

Friday, 10 June 2016

My Week at Vegan Life Magazine

Words to live by

Having just left university, I was scared at the prospect of making it on my own, as I'm sure most others are. However, I had previously arranged with the editor of Vegan Life magazine (my favourite!) to do an internship at their office, which is conveniently based only 7 miles from my house (meant to be or what?).

So with a thumping heart, I turned up on Monday morning at 8.55am (I forgot this hour existed) and prepared myself for office life. The early morning sun was already blinding, and didn't help the nervous sweat I was casually breaking into under my little black blazer. I strode over to the quaint, modern office building, my faux-suede shoes clicking on the car park tarmac.

I was greeted by one of the girls from the office, who brought me to the woman I'd been waiting to meet: Maria Chiorando. I'd stumbled upon one of her Guardian articles -for whom she is a contributor- focusing on vegan politics, which I used in the sources for my dissertation, so I was already in awe of her before realising that she edited my favourite magazine. Her kind smile comforted me in my haze of excitement and nerves.

After being introduced to the entire team, both Vegan Life and Om Yoga, I spoke to Maria about what I'd like to do during my time at the magazine. Having had no previous experience whatsoever, I didn't know what to reply with, so Maria suggested that I think of some ideas of what I'd like to write. Fast forward a few hours, and I was writing my first article - top 10 vegan apps (see previous post). Hopefully you might see it in a future Vegan Life issue (finger's crossed!)

Enjoying my delicious vegan lunch at the Vegan Life office, accompanied by the best magazines in the world 🌍 @veganlife_mag @omyogamagazine and @cookveganmag 🐑🐷🐮🌱💗
#vegan #veganlife #omyogamagazine #om #omyoga #yoga #cookvegan #vegancooking...
Om Yoga magazine, the new Cook Vegan magazine, and the classic Vegan Life
As if that wasn't good enough, I also got to work on one of the regular features in Vegan Life: the 'Accidental Vegan' page! I scoured the internet to find 5 accidentally vegan products, which again might be used in a future issue! In the meantime I'm going to post them on my blog soon - watch this space.

Maria helped me with my writing a lot. She taught me the basic dos and dont's in magazine style writing, how to style it, what I need to work on, topics I should focus on, etc. She also helped me to sort out my social media presence, including Twitter - follow me @charleyEbone :) 

The early morning starts were the best part. I never thought I'd say that, but after the initial first day (it was the day after my birthday to be fair...) my body was used to it. This morning I woke up at 6.30am, sat in the garden eating my breakfast listening to the birdsong. It was so peaceful, almost as if I'd got some extra time in the day that no one else sees; this strange moment where it felt like only I was awake. Well, me and the birds. 

Getting used to that office life was both enjoyable and confining. Sitting at a desk all day isn't my dream, but being a journalist in a successful magazine is, and we all have to start somewhere. (They also have loads of dogs in the office, so you physically can't be unhappy). I'm hoping that this experience is going to open a plethora of doors for me. It's definitely reaffirmed my passion for journalism and veganism, which means I'm definitely on the right track.

Follow your dreams, no matter where you have to start. Allow your passion to integrate into your work, and like the quote says, you'll never work a day in your life. This past week hasn't felt like work; I haven't counted the hours down to finishing, or longed for the weekend. I've thoroughly enjoyed every moment. I only wish I could stay longer, but I've got some plans. I'm off to follow my dreams. :)

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Top 10 Vegan Apps

How your smart phone can help power your plant-based life

Most people can’t go anywhere without their smartphone wedged firmly in-hand. And it’s no wonder-in this technological age, there is a wealth of information, quite literally at our fingertips. And apps are a great way to harness this info.

But what exactly is an app? The word ‘app’ is short for ‘application’. It’s a little piece of software than can run on a computer or smart phone, and depending on the type of phone you have, downloading an app is fairly simple and usually free. Android users can download theirs from Google Play, while those with an iPhone can use the App Store.

After exploring loads of those available on the vegan market, I’ve compiled a list of favourites. Travelling abroad and need to explain you’re dairy-free? There’s an app for that. Looking for somewhere you can eat at home or abroad-with the right tools, it’s easy to figure it out.

Here are my top picks.

Vegan Passport (£1.49)
Language doesn’t have to be a barrier when you’re travelling. This nifty little app from The Vegan Society is described as a ‘multilingual vegan phrasebook’ and offers users a massive 78 languages. Simply choose the native language of the country you are in and the app provides sentences (and images) explaining that you are a vegan, informing what vegans do and don’t eat.
Available on App Store and Google Play.

Green Vegan (£1.99)
Created by one of the makers of online guide to vegan friendly alcohol-it’s no surprise this app is a guide to alcohol. Over 25,000 drinks are listed, meaning you can check the suitability of most of the drinks you’ll find in pubs, bars, restaurants and shops. It also has an offline database, meaning you can search even when you’re not connected to the web.
Available on App Store.

Eat Safe (FREE)
When there are products you don’t eat, it can be difficult to choose suitable restaurants. Eat Safe allows you to type in the ingredients you don’t want, and then filters the restaurants finding somewhere suitable. If you’re already at a venue, you can use the app to analyse the menu, saving time asking waiters and chefs.
Soon available on App Store and Google Play.

Animal-Free (FREE)
This app has a database of all animal-derived ingredients in food, cosmetics, and cleaning products. As well as a list, it provides information on each ingredient. Users can scan the database on the product to see if it’s animal-free, or enter items manually. Some users have said it’s worth bearing in mind the database has been built by consumers rather than experts.
Available on App Store and Google Play.

Cruelty-Free (FREE)
Cruelty Free International gives its ‘leaping bunny’ accreditation to grooming products which have not been tested on animals. This app provides a list of these items featuring a description of each.
It’s worth nothing some products which have the leaping bunny logo are owned by parent companies who do test-this app lists these cruelty-free subsidiaries.
Available on App Store and Google Play.

Is it Vegan? (FREE)
Search or scan any bar-code to determine whether a product is vegan, vegetarian, or neither. A list of the products ingredients is provided, along with a meter indicating how vegan friendly the product is. The app categorises hundreds of thousands of food and beverages already, but users can also add to the database, meaning it's continuously growing!
Available on App Store and Google Play.

Eat Vegan (FREE)
If you're lacking inspiration for dinner tonight, browse through Eat Vegan's hundreds of delicious vegan recipes and images! This app can even generate a shopping list for you according to the recipes that you choose. It includes sections such as breakfast, soups, and sides, making it easy to find the perfect recipe. You can also search by ingredients, meaning that stray carrot in your fridge will finally get used.
Upgrade and unlock all recipes for £2.29.
Available on App Store.

Yummly (FREE)
Making vegan meals can be difficult, especially if you have allergies, or you're cooking for more than one. Yummly's unique search filters and diet allergy preferences allow you to find the perfect recipes specific to your tastes, time, occasion, servings and more. You can save favourites in your digital recipe box, and receive recommendations 'Just For You'.
Available on App Store and Google Play.

Wholesome (FREE)
This app focuses on complete nutrition rather than just calories, optimizing your health. Use the food diary to track your daily food, and the app will show your consumed macro-nutrients, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Wholesome will inform you of what you're lacking or exceeding, suggesting recipes based on this. The app is also packed with recipes and foods, which you can search through by name, nutrients or colour.
Access tips on how to prepare foods and get Wholesome Pro for as little as £2.29.
Available on App Store.

Vegsafe (FREE)
Animal-derived products extend past food. Instead of scouring labels, simply search through Vegsafe's database, and discover which food additives, clothing materials and beauty products are vegan-friendly. Described as a 'personal vegan pocket helper', this app provides detailed information on hundreds of items. It also features an offline database, meaning you can use this app whenever you need to.
Available on App Store.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Brick Lane Vegan/Vegetarian Free From Festival!

So I went to Brick Lane for the first time! And as the name suggests, the lane is fairly surrounded by bricks, (though so is most of London).
I wasn't prepared for the abundance of curry houses, and so the men standing outside attempting to usher my friend and I inside was off-putting. I stand by the rule that 'if you have to try that hard to sell it, then it isn't worth buying!'
Anyway, to our glee, we discovered that hiding in a great hall, encased in - you guessed it - bricks, a little 'Free-From' festival was taking place, and filled with delicious vegan and vegetarian food.

The Boiler House, Brick Lane

Our stomachs were rumbling so we were keen to find something substantial to eat. There was such a diverse array of food to choose from, we struggled!

Slowly making our way round, we encountered some delicious vegan delights. The first - Romeo's vegan brownies. As rich and moist as they look, these decadent brownies were a blessing on the tongue! Made with cacao, linseed, coconut blossom nectar, coconut flour and coconut milk, the rich burst of flavour was a brilliant start to this vegan fair. We definitely had more than one free sample...

Romeo's Brownies, delicious and moist @romeosSFbakery

Next we found small cupcakes. There weren't any free samples for these, so we didn't get to try them, but they looked so delicious I had to get a pic.
All raw vegan, these sweet little cakes use delicious ingredients such as cashews, almonds, cranberries, vanilla and raspberries.

After admiring all the sweet treats, we stumbled upon some VEGAN CHEESE! I love sampling different cheeses, purely because in my experience it's the one food item that doesn't quite match up to the 'original'. I'm not a massive cheese lover anyway, but I want to be able to recommend great vegan alternatives.
This nut based cheese was creamy, soft and full of flavour, and probably the best vegan cheese I've tried. Made by Nutkin, you can find them here:

Some other great things we tried included 'Fravocado', which is a rich a creamy dairy free ice cream made with my favourite - avocados! (

Nectar Foods also had a lot of great raw vegan cakes and savouries which we sampled. (

Eventually we settled on a delicious meal of spinach lasagne, broccoli, mixed salad, and a nutty stuffing type loaf (yummy). The sauce was also nutty and creamy, and of course, the entire thing was vegan.

It was fantastic to see such a diverse array of vegan products, especially those new businesses which were shiny and new. Veganism is definitely growing - and it tastes real good!

Monday, 23 May 2016

All you can eat VEGAN food ... for £6.50 ?!?!

Whoever said being vegan is too expensive is wrong.

To celebrate the end of my degree at university, I went to a restaurant in Angel, Islington called Indian Veg. (92-93 Chapel Market, Angel Islington, London N1 9EX)

Just one part of the many incredible dishes the restaurant has to offer.

It's quaint and simple, with an array of different food choices, all as tasty and fragrant as each other. When I went, on a Thursday evening, it was packed with people, laughing and chatting as they emptied the buffet.

One of the best parts? YOU CAN BRING YOUR OWN ALCOHOL. So as I sat there, enjoying a whirlpool of spices tickling my palette, I washed it down with my own Prosecco. (they provide glasses too).

The food tastes so good, it's hard to believe that it only costs £6.50 for unlimited amounts.

You can also fill a takeaway box if you don't fancy dining in.

They also give free food to the homeless; not only is there a sign claiming so, but I also saw the waiters giving them a takeaway box and ushering them in to fill it. This kindness mirrored the whole notion of the place: extending a love of peace through food.

One of the many info graphics laid out on the walls of the restaurant.
 One of my favourite parts was the information across the walls. This included newspaper articles, scientific studies, fact sheets and photos, all concluding that the vegetarian/vegan life is the healthiest. This information combined with the delicious food is a tempting lure into the veggie lifestyle!

I spoke to the waiters who were both Indian, and asked them about the heart behind the restaurant. They told me that the owner was away currently, but that I must come back and meet him. He wants to transcend love and encourage the vegetarian lifestyle.

I would recommend this restaurant to anyone who thinks vegan food can't taste amazing. Especially if you're an Indian fan. Delicious!

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Balancing Act!

Where is time going? It's May already, I've nearly finished my final year of university!
I've been so busy drowning in essays (and maybe the occasional vodka to ease the pain) that I have neglected my personal writing!
So today's post is going to focus on BALANCE.

We all need balance in our lives. Starting from the very basics, we need balance to walk, cycle and even sit. We know that we're supposed to lead a 'balanced lifestyle'. But what about when it comes to life?

Sometimes, it feels as if we are unable to attain peace. We rush constantly and forget to take time to stop and appreciate little things. I thought about this the other day whilst power walking through the crowds at Stratford station; I was late for work, it was rush hour, and I was getting angry at the people walking slowly in my way. Then I realised: I was getting angry because I was jealous. I couldn't walk at that slow pace any more, because then I'd be even later for work. My life isn't slow paced. Is that such a bad thing?

Yes and no. I rush and don't LET myself have time off, so when I eventually crash, it feels like I'm being lazy and I punish myself for it. The key is to recognise that I am allowed downtime. It's ok to lay on my bed and flick through everyone's snapchat stories, as long as I balance that downtime with my work time.

When was the last time you stopped? Just stopped, admired a tree, or the river, or anything. Do it. Take a deep breath and stop. Allow yourself the balance of calm, away from the usual stress that life draws us into. We are taught that stopping is failing. But there's a difference between stopping and pausing.

Balance is key.

Even in veganism, you must eat a balanced diet, otherwise it's boring and unhealthy. You can't just eat salad, or you'll get malnourished and probably unhappy. Make vegan brownies and take the time to sit down, put Friends on, and eat.

Same for exercise. Don't punish yourself by running every day (unless that's your jam, then keep it up, strong legged friend!). Allow yourself a realistic workout schedule that you can stick to. You can't exercise your weight off, then stop working out. You gotta do it because you like it. It feels so good to move. It gets your blood pumping! But make sure you let yourself chill out too. Try yoga :)

So I ask you to do this: try and allow yourself to stop. Don't feel guilty. You can figure it out, I believe in you.

Balance, friends!

Peace and love. xoxoxo

Monday, 25 April 2016

Becoming VEGAN

Hello there!

I get a lot of questions asking 'how to' become vegan, as the idea itself seems so daunting at first. I promise it's not that difficult! We are creatures of habit, and the more we do something the easier it becomes.

I'm going to dive straight in:

1. Switch milk for non-dairy
This is the simplest and arguably most effective change. There are so many alternatives to milk now, including almond, soy, coconut, oat and hemp, all with wonderful different tastes (my fav is coconut!). Soy milk is relatively cheap now as well, with major supermarkets adding it to their own brand lines.
Milk is loaded with hormones that are intended for a 400lb calf, not humans. We're the only species that drinks another's milk. Would you put human breast milk in your tea? Probably not :P
Also - cows are impregnated often in order to maximise milk production. The poor girls spend most of their life pregnant, and then get most (if not all) of their babies milk taken away. Sometimes, the babies are given calf replacement formula. Completely unneccesary.

2. Eat more fruits and veggies!
As many veggies as you can eat. All day, every day. Google recipes for inspiration! Avocados may contain fat, BUT it's natural fat. So don't be afraid. Fruit may contain sugar, but it's NATURAL sugar. It becomes energy! There's a woman who eats basically only fruit, and she looks amazing. Check her out
Try putting fruits and veggies at the top of your food pyramid. Fill your plate with as many veggies as you want, then add your fake meat, pasta, rice or whatever.

3. Replace meat and fish with substitutes 
This sounds flippin obvious, but I'm going to tell you what substitutes there are. (Note - there are many many many more than this)
- Quorn's new Vegan range! The chicken pieces are so easy to cook, and delicious. They come in a bag from the frozen section. They also have spicy burgers, yum yum.
- Linda McCartney sausages! There are some other things in her range that are suitable for vegans, but I just love these snags. They're great in a sandwich, fry up, or for dinner.
- Tofu! I'm not a tofu expert (yet), but I know that you can use this beautiful creation as a substitute for many things. Get some breadcrumbs and make fake fried chicken, use it in place of an egg in cooking or baking, put it in salads or stir fries, eat it raw (if you like), make sushi with it...  the list is endless. Again, give it a google. I'm not much of a chef.
- I know there are some great fish substitutes out there too, however I have yet to try them. Watch this space though...

4. Stop buying leather and silk
Some people decide to keep things that they already have, some throw them out. There's no right or wrong way here. Being vegan is about doing the best you can! Just be more conscious now when you buy things :) There are lots of leather alternatives, including pineapple skins!!

5. Read labels
When eating out or on the go, you will realise how much milk and eggs are unnecessarily added to things. That's when it gets hard to be a vegan! Just remember, when ordering at a restaurant, you can ask for changes! Imagine if you had a dairy allergy and were a veggie - they'd have to accommodate you. Don't fear using the word vegan though - I know you might feel like 'one of those people', insisting things be changed, but trust me, the world is slowly following suit. There are plenty of restaurants offering vegan options now, but sometimes you need to ask!

Happy Monday everyone!! xoxo

Monday, 18 April 2016

Weight Loss 101!

Happy Monday everyone, hope you all had a productive start to the week. I managed to make it to the gym today (hurrah!!) but I am feeling sluggish after an alcohol filled weekend! (something had to get me through two days of work at the busiest shopping center in London)...
Moving on, I'm looking forward at my goals. I still have around 3 stone that I'd like to lose (having already lost 4 stone!!!), and I think it's about time I got my butt into gear.

Anyway... I thought I might share my progress pictures to show you all what can be achieved with a little bit of hard work (and to remind myself that anything is possible).

Instagram media charleytheloser - Before and after ! #faceprogress #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #healthy #fitblr
2012 v.s 2014 // 250lbs - 200lbs
And if my face isn't enough, here's perhaps two of the strangest things I've ever worn:

Instagram media charleytheloser - It's You vs. You💪🏼 never give up!! #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #fitness #fitblr #vegan #pcos
2012 vs. 2015 // 250lbs - 200lbs
For more pictures head over to my tumblr: and follow me on instagram @charleytheloser :)

So, the question on everyone's lips: HOW DO I LOSE WEIGHT?!
Well, my friends, it's quite simple. There is not secret, all you have to do is eat well and work hard(ish). You DON'T need to go to the gym every day and run 10,000 miles. 20 minutes, 3 times a week will do it. Go for a brisk walk, jog, swim or something that gets your heart going. Try and mix it up. Do workouts from YouTube (I love Jillian Michaels, her 30 Day Shred is AMAZING, I lost 21lbs in a month), or get an app on your phone (I use Skimble Workouts).
Put the TV on and workout in front of it. Even 10 minutes is better than nothing. Look back at my blog posts with the workouts on. Do them!! It's simple, and you CAN DO IT. You might even find a passion for exercise that you never knew existed. I did! 

Don't get me wrong, some days it's sooo difficult to go to the gym. Some days I miss it. Some days I workout at home, and some days I just go for a walk. That's life. 

No need to beat yourself up about it, just keep trying. You'll get there. Try a sport if that's your thing: tennis, basketball, netball, pole dancing! Or go to gym classes: spinning, zumba, body pump. They're all great for all levels.

But... I LOVE food...
Uh hello?! Me too!! Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to eat 100 calories a day to lose weight. Obviously if you're eating 3000 and not doing anything, maybe cut back a little. But trust me, it's more about QUALITY over quantity. If you eat a beautiful salad for lunch with kale, spinach, , chicken/tofu, avocado, beans (borlotti/chickpea/butterbean/canellini etc), tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers etc etc etc, you'll be getting lots of nutrients, you'll be filled up, and it will taste amazing. If you eat a McDonalds burger or pastry or fried something or other, you won't be getting anywhere near as many nutrients, and you wont be as satisfied. You're probably thinking - er yeah I will, but what I mean is that your body will be starving on a nutritional basis - i.e. your cells want all the nutrients from the salad, and therefore you'll be fuller for longer and much better off eating more vegetables. The carbs that fill you up like white bread and pastry are simple carbohydrates: they don't have much nutritional value and therefore are pretty pointless. Switch to complex carbs: potatoes & sweet potatoes, brown/wholewheat bread, wraps and pasta etc. This is the reason why you want more food not long after a takeaway/fast food!

When it comes to food, it's all about balance. You can eat that chocolate bar, in fact, definitely do! But don't eat 5 in one go. 
I track my calories using MyFitnessPal on my phone. It helps me to stop overeating and to see what I am actually consuming in a day. You might feel this isn't for you, so perhaps you'd rather just write down what you're eating, or maybe not at all. Just try and be more conscious of what it is that you're putting in your body. Your food is your fuel. You wouldn't put crap in your petrol tank, so don't put it in your body. (Well, not too often anyway). 
There's actually a chart that suggests alternatives when you have a specific craving. For example if you're craving chocolate, your body actually wants nuts, seeds, veggies and fruits. Google it for more results, but here's one infographic I found:

Well, there you have the basics of weight loss. If you have any questions, please send them over, either comment on here, email me, or send on Tumblr (you can do that anonymously too).
Thanks for reading!! 
Love and peace xoxo

Thursday, 14 April 2016

V is for Vegan and VANILLA

I was in desperate need of some ice cream today, so I popped down to my local Asda, praying that they might have something that could sort my craving out. I was prepared to get sorbet at this point, but alas, like a glowing beacon of hope, right in the middle of the deep freeze sat a pile of vanilla flavoured ice cream with the beautiful words DAIRY FREE across them.
I scanned my eyes over the ingredients to make sure. Definitely vegan! It even says suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It's made with soya beans so I knew I was going to like it. As soon as I got home I ripped the lid off, and couldn't wait to try it. 
IT'S SO CREAMY... I honestly think it tastes better than 'normal' ice cream. Not only was it far creamier, but the taste was so rich. The consistency is thick and smooth (it was a little defrosted when I ate it so might differ if eaten when really solid). It's not too sweet and overpowering, but after too scoops I was pretty satisfied and full, which is rare for me! And at just 110 calories per 2 scoops, it's a winner!
My omnivore friends also tried it and said they couldn't taste a significant difference, other than the fact that it tasted like luxury ice cream and it was delicious! It cost £2 from Asda in London, so it's not massively expensive either! Definitely a 9/10 from me!!!!

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Have you been.... Accidentally Vegan?

You don't have to be a vegan to enjoy vegan food! Did you know that there are loads of things out there that are actually vegan, but don't get advertised as such. I thought I'd provide some examples...

Cucina Garlic Baguette from Aldi
With a crispy crunch on the outside, and soft, oozing garlic middle, this garlic baguette definitely doesn’t compromise on flavour. It’s made with margarine instead of butter, making it totally SFV. Though it’s available in most supermarkets, Aldi sell it for a bargain 34p, making it affordable for everyone.

Ginger Nut Biscuits from McVities
Bursting with a classic fiery ginger taste, these crunchy biscuits are a great snack to go with your tea or coffee. These popular golden treats can be found in most shops and supermarkets, meaning you can enjoy the burst of ginger spice anytime. They are completely dairy free, and at only 47 calories per biscuit, they’re guilt free too. 

With a chocolate crunch on the outside and a soft, sweet vanilla creme on the inside, it's no wonder that Oreos are a favourite for all ages. But creme doesn't necessarily have to mean dairy. One of the most popular sandwich biscuits, the creme filled Oreo contains no dairy products in its ingredients. The double stuffed ones are dairy-free too.
Note - Oreo state that there is cross contact with milk, meaning the validity of its vegan label is debatable.

- Love Hearts from Swizzels
Be Mine? Eat Me? Ok!

- Rich Tea Biscuits from McVities
Another great accompaniment to tea or coffee.

- Blue Dragon Sauces
Great little sachets to add to pastas or stir frys: there's Chow Mein, Hoisin & Garlic, Black Bean, Teriyaki, Sweet & Sour, Sweet Chilli & Garlic, and their Soy Sauces! Hooray!

Being vegan is a whole lot easier than you think, I promise. And like any lifestyle, it's all about balance. Yes I enjoy a salad every now and then, but I also have days where I chow down on sweets and chocolate. Everything in moderation. But trust me, vegans do not exist purely on leaves

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Timing & Motivation... The truth.

I had work today, again. This time I finished at 6.30, but the gym closes at 8 on a Sunday. Usually I'd talk myself out of it, convinced that I'll be too tired or I wont make it in time anyway. But not today. I rushed home, exhausted as usual, but jumped into my workout leggings and strode off to the gym. Squeezed in as much as I could in the 50 minutes I had left! Here's what I did:

10 mins stair climber - high intensity
10 mins bike - high intensity
5 mins treadmill - incline & run interval
3 x 10 box jumps
3 x 12 pull downs 23kg
2 x 10 deadlifts 15kg
2 x 10 squats 15kg
2 x 10 clean and press 15kg
2 x 10 kettlebell squats with swing 8kg
2 x 20 russian twists with 3kg medicine ball
2 x 20 sit ups with 7kg medicine ball

Burnt around 400 calories! :)

So... the truth. I'm lazy! But I managed to get there. After a longgggg day of work, with aching feet and hardly any energy. I reminded myself that if I want this, I have to make time. We all get the same amount of hours in a day, it's up to us to use them wisely. There is no time for excuses! And remember, the only workout you regret is the one you didn't do.
It's no secret! All we have to do is squeeze in a workout wherever we can. Whether its squats on our lunch break or getting up 10 minutes earlier to jog around the block. If you really want this, you'll make it work. Remind yourself every day why you want it, and why you started.

Sending lots of motivation your way!!!


Saturday, 9 April 2016

The Weekend Curse

Good afternoon! It's Saturday, it's slightly overcast, and I want to curl up in bed and watch Netflix. Unfortunately, I have to go to work in the ever busy Westfield shopping center in Stratford. Pray for me! I have a great work team luckily, but the weekends are hectic to say the least. 
My life is a balancing act at the moment: I've got a lot of uni work to finish in the next couple of days, and I'm also working today, tomorrow and Tuesday... not ideal. 
Where am I going to squeeze in my gym sessions?! 
Well... you don't need a gym to work out, my friends. 
In fact, everything you need, you already have! A passion! 
Get on Google or YouTube, and you can find thousands of workouts for all levels. One of my favourite workouts is the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. It's got three different levels which you build up to, and it's great for weight loss.
Yoga is great for beginners, or if you want something strengthening but low impact. You can get apps on your phone as well for any kind of workout!
A really underestimated workout is walking. Just get out there in the fresh air for 15 minutes and briskly walk, it'll do you a world of good.
I'm going to collate some at home workouts and post them soon. I'm not a certified expert! But I found it helpful (and still do) when I find workouts on the internet that I can do at home :)

So if you want to workout today but don't have time or don't have a gym/can't get out...
Here's mini workout for you :) It can be done in front of the TV, in your bedroom, kitchen whilst cooking, office on your lunch break...

SQUATS!!! x 10
HIGH KNEES x 20 (past or slow paced)
PLANK x 20 sec
WALL SIT x 30 sec

Then repeat 3 times!!! 

If you're unsure of the moves, just give them a Google :)

Remember, the only workout you'll regret is the one you didn't do! Just a little workout every day will add up, I promise. 

Happy Saturday everyone!!!

Sunday, 3 April 2016

One for the ladies... (slash people who menstruate)

I hopped on the scales this morning and recoiled in horror. I've gained 6 pounds. What have I done?! I thought to myself. Then I realised, it's nearly shark week. Woohoo.
I always bloat like an inflatable pool toy before my period is due. But that's the least of my worries; I get severe moods swings, cravings and fatigue. I've been tired all day, and craving chocolate. I ate some granola to get my sugar fix, and a biscuit, which is quite good considering I'd usually polish off 15 litres of ice cream or similar.
What can we do about this/these little problems?
In reality, they're big problems. Menstruating is huge part of our lives, and I believe it should be far less taboo. I once told a work colleague that I had cramps (literally didn't even mention the word period) and he told me I was gross. ????? For having a working reproductive system, I am gross. Well I have news for you sunshine, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for periods!
We suffer a lot for the gift of new life.
I've read that drinking water and avoiding salt can help the bloating.
As for the cravings? I try and compromise. Eating fruit can help your sweet tooth. I think it's a case of limiting things too - when I want to eat an entire loaf of bread, I cut or tear some off and put it in a bowl instead of taking the whole loaf in the living room. PORTIONS. They're key. Keep 'em small-ish.
Another thing we forget is that it takes around 20 mins for our brains to recognise that we're full. I always forget this and just keep on eating, then end up feeling even more bloated and crappy.
Pause, guys! Have a drink. The cake will still be there in a few minutes :)

The most important thing to realise though is that we're just human. It's a natural occurrence that we deal with, and we are definitely not alone!!

Let me introduce myself...

It's 1.34am on a Sunday morning, and despite my best efforts to go to sleep at midnight, as usual, I have failed.
I get so easily distracted! Although I do feel that this has been relatively productive - here is that blog I've been meaning to create for so long!
So I guess I should introduce myself.
I'm Charlotte (Charley, whatever, I don't mind), I'm nearly 22, I love animals and I'm vegan, my passions in life are health and travel, and I really like avocados. :)
I'm just finishing my BA in Creative Writing and Journalism, and then it's off into the big wide world. So climbing the ladder one step at a time is my plan. The ultimate goal is to create my own magazine (dream big!), hopefully centered around travel and health, two things which I believe will work together well.
So, what is this blog all about?
Well, it's a place for me to utilise my - ahem - skills which I have acquired through my degree, and begin to build a platform for myself!
So if you have any interest in the following, stick around! This might just be the blog for you. :)
- Veganism! The good, the bad and the unhealthy.
- Weight loss! Having lost 4 stone myself, I like to help others with similar things.
- Keeping fit! This is generally and on the go.
- Travel! My passport isn't full enough yet, but I've got some stories to share, and some big plans for the future too.
- PCOS! A condition which affects a lot of females (or people with female reproductive systems) and features a whole heap of side effects: weight gain, hormone imbalance, extra hair growth, acne etc. Give it a Google if you're not sure.
- Animal rights! I LOVE animals. I have a pet bunny called Biscuit who is a little treasure, and truly reminds me of the sweet things in life.

I'm sure there'll be more along the way, but for now, here I am! Nice to meet you.